The Royal Family

The Royal Family

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Hello all. Just wanted to post something here since the blog posts are stagnating (dont wanna breed dengue, ya?). I know, im not the chairwoman or class comm or anything, so you can feel free to delete dis post if you want to (just like my previous 1).

Anyways, I know all of us have entered the exam period and intense mugging has alredy begun. Some of us have resorted to banging our head frequently on anything harder than our forehead, while others have channeled their discontentment to the increasingly frequent usage of the thought-provoking F word, and there are those who are forming a conspiracy to kill all muggers out there for world peace. Of course, there are those blessed few who dont even know that their exam is tmr.

Amidst this trialful and tribulatous time of Y5T2W6-8, amidst these 4 hrs of sleep that our body is struggling with to sustain 10 hours of school, amidst these frequent times where we truly feel like giving up, a call beckons

"Come to Me,
all you who labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28

Answer the call. And you might just feel a little different than before with this on your face:

(its called a smile)

*note: this is not an advertisement for CF

Anyways, shall not waste your time further. Hopefully you have gotten some stress off after readin. Back to studying :) Oh, and lets not forget out trusty, little sidekick

Go relak in dat korner!


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Carwash Update

Monday 14/4: 10.40am – 11.40am

Group 1: Dian Chun (Group Leader)
Chee Kung

Group 2: Joshua Chin (Group Leader)
Joel Chua

Tuesday 15/4: 11.20am – 12.20pm

Group 1: Xi Min (Group Leader)
Joshua Tan
Kai Ting

Group 2: Ian (Group Leader)
Joel Choo
Beng How

Cars washing:


Group 1: SFU 2977L

Group 2: SFG 4764U

SAC Car park

SAC Car park


Group 1: SGN4635K

Group 2: SGD441G

SAC Carpark

Boarding School

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Hey people, i'm too lazy to email every single one of you, so i just decided to put the schedule up here. So, do check your groups and when your 'service' is required and remember to bring the necessary items k? Group leaders do take charge in informing your members when you are washing, what to bring and your plans etc. ok, i guess that's all, do a good job and have fun!! =)

5.8 Carwash schedule ‘08

Each group should have: 2 pails, 5 cloths/soft sponge (1 for each person), 1 or 2 dry cloth/s (for drying) and a small container (for car shampoo)

Friday 4/4: 9.00am – 10.20am

Group 1: Chee Kung (Group Leader)

Seng wei




Monday 7/4: 12.40pm – 2.40pm

Group 1: Joel Choo (Group Leader)
Joel Chua

Group 2: Joey (Group Leader)
Kai Ting
Joshua Chin
Dian Chun

Tuesday 8/4: 11.20am – 12.20pm

Group 1: Charmaine (Group Leader)
Boey Yang
Dian Chun
Beng How

Group 2: Joel Chua (Group Leader)
Xi min

Wednesday 9/4: 9.20am – 10.20am

Group 1: Kai Ting (Group Leader)
Boey Yang

Group 2: Daniel (Group Leader)
Joshua Tan

Cars washing:



SAC Car park


Group 1: SDZ5583S


Group 2: SCU7374R


SAC Car park


Group 1: SDK5131S

Group 2: SGP8621M

Boarding School Car park

SAC Car park

Be gentle on mirror frame


Group 1: SCV4890(or 4870)


Group 2:SGA716

SAC Car park


Friday, April 4, 2008

Sick not tired


after reading the posts though.

i hate formal typing like capital I's and roleplay speeches (haha sorry daniel!) but ill keep my input short (THATS WHAT SHE SAID)

i realised i havent done anything as a discipline rep, but i find that from my point of view, its hard to do what im supposed to do.

the class is muchly segregated into so many different groups, needless for me to say.

even if we dont wanna integrate with each other, i guess speaking to each other every now and then wont hurt i guess!

everyone should be happy! like the cartoons you used to (i still) watch, they hop and jump and twirl like hello pandas; chocolatey filled and sweet and unhealthy.

btw, i failed 2.4. HAHA! shit.

okay so class spirit!


Time to heed advice

Dear fellow Kings and Queens,

I agree with Dang completely. Thanks Dang for that post. We still have one and a half or so years together, so we as fellow Kings and Queens should try harder to work as one. Only so can we help each other and strive for greater heights together.

So, let's all cooperate and work as a class, it doesn't matter who's in charge or whatever, so long as everyone plays apart in stuff we do. To people who feel like they are not part of the class, please don't think so. You may want to try to contribute to the class in some ways to feel more involved in the class, there's always an opportunity. Others, please interact more with those whom you feel feel that they are being left out.

Our WOW trip is coming up and I hope everyone in class would enjoy themselves because we, as a team, are helping the less fortunate. So, may we try to overlook others' tiny flaws and , in short like what Dang said to some, be a little more humble. This way, we can not "succumbed to human nature and civil war" among our class.

I know it sounds cheesy, but i'm totally serious about being together as a class. So may we as 508 Kings enjoy the rest of 2008 and the coming 2009.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. =)


Avert the Civil War

Dear Kings,

40 years ago, on this very day, Martin Luther King, protector of the rights of the african american people, was assasinated in memphis. Though the world has changed and lives have been improved, humankind is still faced with the very real problem of division and segregation.

Friends (and i say this not with a sarcastic tone, but with a tone of complete and utter seriousness that i rarely display), we as a class, have fallen prey to that exact same sin of division that Martin Luther King sought to dispose of. Like so many before us, Judah and Israel, Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland, France and England of the 1700s, we have succumbed to human nature and civil war among our class seems all too likely to erupted.

Kings and Queens, we can stop this right here and now. The faults lay not so much among individuals, but upon the entire population of the class. Sure some of us may not see ourselves as being guilty, for no fellony has been committed upon our part, but the fact of the matter is, we are all responsible. Even i, the angellic student (hahahaha), am in part responisble for this division. Now is the time to solve this problem, and what more apt a time can there be? 40 yrs on from the death of Martin Luther King's, we can remember his memory, by putting aside our differences and sheathing our swords.

I leave now with some words of advice. Take them to heart if you feel im directing it at you. I wont name names. And if you're pissed with me after this... So be it. To some, try to be less bossy... To others understand the need for personal space... and To others... GeT OuT of mY HAIR!!! haha i was joking about the last one. Seriously, this is of profound and lasting importance. I for one am not going to enjoy a WoW trip with the class if i dont put to rest some of these matters that lay between us.

As a class, let us dispel the threat of war and division, put aside our differences and look past these omnious clouds of despair that threaten the unity of our beloved class.

Heed these words my brothers and sisters.

(An excerpt of Dang's April Thesis)