The Royal Family

The Royal Family

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

fking hell. she's leaving =/

Thanks to everyone

Hello class!

Haha.. the last time I'm allowed here, yeah?
If i can't blog.. at least let me come back and tag lah.. >_<
Just here to say.. thanks to every single person in the class..
for making 5.8 the bestestest class ever ^_^

I'm sorry if I spoiled your guys' day or something.. really.. >_<
I'm sorry if I disappoint some of you..
but you guys will do fine without me I'm sure ^_^
i won't..=/

There's no more of rescuing my wallet from wallet snatchers: Dang Nick Chin Beavan Joel Joshua Garry CheeKung Charmaine Dian Chun Clarissa.. lol.. I think everyone joined the "stealing" game in one way or another right? admit it, lol!
There's no more fun to enjoy during breaks, like those really funny + lame things you guys do.. M..T.. lol..!!
There's no more having one whole class of nice people.. where everyone's nice and fun.. seriously I can't think of anyone in the class who isn't

Come and play with me even if i'm in point three PLEASE!!>_<
lol..gona miss point 8 like crazy..
bestestest class ever.. everyone rocks..!!^_^
Continue to have fun!! lol.. bet you guys will have more fun without me.. lol!
Big thanks to all the aristocrats here.. all kings and queens..^_^

now i'm downgraded to a freaking commoner =// lol!


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Chinese B test :help episode 2


1 纸老虎
2 白热化
3 白日梦
4 摆架子
5 摆迷魂阵
6 摆平
7 摆乌龙
8 败家子
指不务正业 挥霍家产的子弟
9 半路出家
比喻中途改行 从事新的行业
12 包打听
13 下马威
14 土包子
15 暴发户
16 背黑锅
比喻替代别人承担罪名 受冤枉或留下坏名声
17 掏腰包
比喻出钱 也比喻偷别人的东西
18 挖墙脚
19 打圆场
调解纠纷 缓和矛盾
20 拆穿西洋镜

hey spent alot of time and and effor k?
appreciate!! LOL!!
Good luck in chinese !^_^ have to mug chem now or i'm dead =X


Chinese B test :help

hello class... this is NOT cheena scholar nor nina typing.. this is KAN HSIN-YU
= ="

for those chinese B people who didn't bring home their books to study for the test (e.g. nick + joel) I typed this out.. for everyone's reference.. so that Nick and Chin or anyone else who intends to sit with me during chinese test will give up the idea of cheating lol!

1 不管白猫黑猫 抓到老鼠就是好猫
2 不管三七二十一
3 不经一事 不长一智
4 唱对台戏
5 长江后浪推前浪 世上新人换旧人
6 吃不了兜着走
7 风马牛不相及
8 丑媳妇早晚要见公婆
9 此处不留爷 自有留爷处
10 塞翁失马 焉知非福
11 打退堂鼓
12 旁观者清 当局者迷
13 只许州官放火 不许百姓点灯
14 若要人不知 除非己莫为
15 赶鸭子上架
16 高不成低不就
17 过五关斩六将
18 海水不可斗量
19 英雄无用武之地
20 比上不足 比下有余

惯用语is coming up!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008


this is nick's stupidly retarded song that he keeps hupming.

and. LOL. shit if u guys havent watched this u must be jweish cus i frikken spammed u people to watch it. GO NOW.

welcome all the people from the new intake! too bad they cant be introduced to our game of hsin-yu versus the world

is anyone gonna change the class list? cause i dont think amir is staying. and elisa has already gone.

and well we played well today. relatively well. i'd like to thank chin, who played the best of his ability. considering he had none. even though a couple of people in our class completely ponned the games.

we should ditch the picnic and play catching instead.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

just something damn retarded and funny:
check out the other episodes too!


joel CHUA

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Matters of the State

a few ideas came up in my head.

1) wow this skin doesnt look too good. no offence to the person who put in effort to do it =/

2) we should have a class photo for it's quite unfortunate that even as a class, we dont have any lessons together as a whole class. we're even split up during pc and tok.

3) we should keep a class scrapbook and paste pictures which we've taken inside. elisa's scrap book kinda gave me the idea. pity we didnt get any pictures of her before she left. and it's still hard for me to keep in contact with her since she hasnt settled in yet. we could just caption whatever we like. especially that retarded photo of chin. which if u scroll through the slideshow, u should be able to find, and maybe laugh at it a while.

4) regarding chin's idea about the class teeshirt. it's hard to follow through with that idea right now since making shirts isnt exactly a very quick and easy project. first we need to design the shirt and then someone has to get the shirts made. all this i doubt can be done before we reshuffle, and the new jae students come. and another problem comes up. if we do not reshuffle. do we make extra shirts for the new jae students who are lucky enough to join our lovely class. and if we have a shirt which, through experience, usually has the names of all the people in the class printed on the back, what about the new intake of students. it's kinda mean to not include them.

nevertheless. it's hard to bring these topics up in class cause we dont have any lessons together as a class. unless we collectively pon assembly and claim that there was food poisoning from the valentine's day food. or that we all suddenly developed an allergic reaction to flower pollen.

however. i think it's right that we take a picture for hsin yu's sake for i believe she's very sad to leave the class. we're sad to see her go as well. hopefully she will get a nice china boyfriend and be happy with her class.

cause if she does get a china boyfriend, it would be good for her, and at the same time, funny for us. a win-win situation =D

lol. hissing you.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So I was wondering.

everyone does class stuff yea?

so let's do something for cas like a class shirt which we can take 20 hours to design

that's after jae of course.

so whos up for it!

well maybe not a shirt, just some random shizz.

o yea. gogo anglo-olympics (wheres the rain)


Monday, February 11, 2008

New: Slideshow

** Thank you all for allow me to borrow your faces to complete our very own Royal Gallery. If you have any problems with how you look like, eg. maybe not mesmerising enough or the composure no good, or think that other people dont look good enough i.e. need a better pic, feel free to pm me on msn.


Ello Kings & Queens & Everything In Between (& Everything extra-terrestrial)

Just to inform you that I have added in a 5.8 Kings '08 slideshow just below the tagboard on the left showcasing our portraits and some candid moments within the walls of our palace (#B4-08). Well, I do really hope to get at least every1s picture up on the slideshow... must show the 5.8 Kings class spirit and show-off our chio bu and shuai ge in our class mah..

So, this is an appeal (yes, as serious as the DP Fanny Tan Hong Bao one & DP Chock Thermometer one) that you would surrender to the merciless eye of the camera this Wed, 13/2/08, so I can get this slideshow completed and done.

And if you want to put up any of class pics or remove any of your over-glamorous pics for fear of blinding the eyes of your admirer, feel free to pm me; its my own web album so only Yu, not You, can edit.


Oh dont forget to get your thermometers ASAP. Front office selling at SGD$4.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

charmaine told me to blog something here cause she thinks this blog is dead. hmmm.

well i'm just here to say a HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHARMAINE! who turns 17 this monday. so be sure to bring presents for her.

and do all the freaking LMS homework so we all wont get screwed.

okay charmaine i have blogged.

be glad. for i am still freaking busy.