that the final years are now but a distant memory and the fruits of our labour have been keyed into the school's criminal records. For those of us who have done exceptionally well or exceeded your expectations, GOOOD JOOOB MAN!! Baik sekali lah!! Keep up that killing spree and aim for godlikeness in the future exams to come :D
And of course, to the rest of us who faced turbulances while aiming for the skies and landed on the clouds instead... well as the saying goes, 失败乃是成功之母, or literally translated: failure gives birth to success. Let us try not to be too disheartened by those insignificant numbers below that superstitous number 7, but strive to use this as our stepping stone to future successes in the more crucial year ahead of us. As Bruce Wayne remembered a faithful saying from his dad while facing his deepest, darket hour of despair, "Why do we fall son? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up", we too ought to rise and conquer our failures as well. And one day, we might just overcome that highest peak in 5.8 Kingdom, Mt Darenear Ung =)
Well, whatever we have reaped from this harvest, let us always never forget to give all glory to our God who was, and is, and is to become our refuge, our deliverer, our sustainer and our provider, in all that we face.
The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away;
Blessed be the name of the LORD.
Job 1:21
Thanks for taking your time off. Hope you didnt get Burned After Reading. Lol